[[DO A HUNDRED THINGS.|START]]\n\n<<timedinsert 500ms>>by [[Jeana Poindexter|JEANA]]<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\n
<<print $playerName>> [[DOES A HUNDRED THINGS.|THEY DOES]] \n\n@@position:fixed;top:80%;left:80%;[[< go home.|HOME]]@@
<<print $playerName>> <<cyclinglink \n"clicks." \n"obeys." \n"knows this game already."\n"knows a little bit about it."\n"knows it by heart."\n"knows you didn't mean it."\n"knows you didn't mean it and totally forgives you." \n"sees himself five years from now."\n"calls it like he sees it." \n"leaves it behind."\n"leaves his hair in the sink."\n"points the finger."\n"asks for it."\n"sweats."\n"takes the cake."\n"fights back."\n"has no idea what he's trying to say."\n"digs his way in."\n"blames the president."\n"shops for groceries."\n"tries to buy some pot."\n\n"keeps making the same mistakes."\n"keeps making the same mistakes over and over again."\n"keeps hope alive."\n"keeps secrets."\n"knows a shortcut."\n"check the locks."\n"just loves to dance."\n"just loves to cook."\n"experiments."\n"loves you so much it hurts."\n"eats the last piece."\n"goes to the store for toilet paper, ends up buying a lot of other shit, too, gets to the register, and realizes he left his wallet at home."\n"gets his card declined."\n"donates his blood."\n"donates his blood when it's clean."\n"surrenders."\n"cries at the end."\n"literally cries every time."\n"watches it once."\n"watches my back."\n\n"scratches my back."\n"scratches the surface."\n"gets the joke."\n"gets your point."\n"shies away."\n"shies away from strangers."\n"hates all his friends."\n"keeps good company."\n"minds his p's and q's."\n"writes a letter."\n"writes a letter to the company."\n"hurts like a bitch."\n"hurts like a motherfucker."\n"hurts the people closest to him."\n"cleans the whole house."\n"cleans the whole house just in time for the party."\n"parties hard."\n"lets it work its magic."\n"remembers to turn off the coffee pot?"\n"plays the race card."\n\n"plays the gay card."\n"plays the privilege card."\n"plays his cards right."\n"plays piano."\n"sleeps on your couch."\n"sleeps on your couch (just for the night.)"\n"eats."\n"eats the same shit."\n"eats all your food."\n"shakes."\n"shakes on it."\n"thinks that's a stupid reason to give up on all of this."\n"wakes up."\n"wakes and bakes."\n"wakey-wakeys."\n\n"works around your schedule."\n"checks his phone."\n"waits for the rain to ease up."\n"waits to see how it pans out (there's no sense in speculating)."\n\n"meets someone he really likes."\n"meets someone he really likes and blows it."\n"meets someone he really likes and lays it all on the line."\n"meets someone he really likes and the rest is history."\n"grieves."\n"seethes."\n"feels too tired do this right now."\n"tries to fit a square peg in a round hole."\n"makes the grade."\n"makes it count."\n"sees the good in everyone."\n"wishes he knew what to say."\n"wants to make it work."\n"showers in the dark."\n"showers on Wednesdays."\n"wants to take a break."\n"really needs to take a break."\n\n"needs to find a bathroom."\n"always finishes my sentences."\n"goes out with a bang."end>>\n\n\n\n@@position:fixed;top:80%;left:80%;[[< go home.|HOME]]@@
[[DO A HUNDRED THINGS.|START]]\n\n<<timedinsert 500ms>>by [[JEANA POINDEXTER|JEANA]]<<endtimedinsert>>
<<print $playerName>> [[DOES A HUNDRED THINGS.|HE DOES]] \n\n@@position:fixed;top:80%;left:80%;[[< go home.|HOME]]@@
<<print $playerName>> <<cyclinglink \n"clicks." \n"obeys."\n"asks around." \n"knows this game already."\n"knows it by heart."\n"knows you didn't mean it."\n"knows you didn't mean it and totally forgives you." \n"sees herself five years from now."\n"calls it like she sees it." \n"freaks out."\n"horses around."\n"points the finger."\n"screams."\n"takes the cake."\n"goes with a boring old salad."\n"fights back."\n"has sex."\n"has sex and farts."\n"blames the president."\n"shops for groceries."\n\n"feeds the family."\n"keeps making the same mistakes."\n"keeps making the same mistakes over and over again."\n"keeps hope alive."\n"keeps secrets."\n"knows a shortcut."\n"knows me better than anyone else."\n"says she will."\n"says she will, and then doesn't."\n"just loves to push my buttons."\n"loves you so much it hurts."\n"eats the last piece."\n"goes to the store for toilet paper, ends up buying a lot of other shit, too, gets to the register, and realizes she left her wallet at home."\n"gets her card declined."\n"waits for him to get ready."\n"waits in the car."\n"cries in the car."\n"cries every time."\n"gets the fuck out of dodge."\n"watches it once."\n\n"watches my back."\n"stays in bed."\n"scratches the surface."\n"gets the joke."\n"parses out the sentence."\n"shies away."\n"changes her underwear."\n"hates all her friends."\n"makes her own luck."\n"minds her ps and qs."\n"goes to bed early."\n"asks for her number."\n"hurts like a bitch."\n"hurts like a motherfucker."\n"hurts the people closest to her."\n"...okay, now she starts from the beginning."\n"cleans the whole house."\n"cleans the whole house and still feels anxious."\n"cleans the whole house, still feels anxious, and calls home."\n"remembers to turn off the coffee pot?"\n\n"plays the race card."\n"plays the gay card."\n"plays the privilege card."\n"plays her cards right."\n"plays piano."\n"sleeps on your couch."\n"sleeps on your couch (just for the night.)"\n"eats."\n"eats for free."\n"eats all your food."\n"comes back for more."\n"comes back for more, leaves with less than she came with."\n"shakes."\n"shakes on it."\n"thinks that's a stupid reason to give up on all of this."\n"wakes up."\n"wakes and bakes."\n"wakey-wakeys."\n"works around your schedule."\n"checks her phone."\n\n"waits for her nails to dry."\n"wrings their fucking necks."\n"meets someone she really likes."\n"meets someone she really likes and blows it."\n"meets someone she really likes and lays it all on the line."\n"meets someone she really likes and the rest is history."\n"grieves."\n"seethes."\n"feels too tired for the nighttime ritual."\n"tries to fit a square peg in a round hole."\n"makes the grade."\n"makes it through the night."\n"makes sure it's microwave safe."\n"wishes she knew what to say."\n"wants to make it work."\n"wants to take a break."\n"beats a dead horse."\n"really needs to take a break."\n\n\n"always finishes my sentences."\n"wins."end>>\n\n\n\n@@position:fixed;top:80%;left:80%;[[< go home.|HOME]]@@
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Jeana Poindexter <<cyclinglink "makes things." \n"lives in California." \n"uses her manners." \n"thanks her parents." \n"tries to be good." \n"tells jokes." \n"cracks herself up." \n"bombs." \n"bombs sometimes." \n"sucks." \n"eats." \n"pees." \n"pees standing up."\n"washes her hands." \n"licks her fingers." \n"holds her breath without realizing." \n"picks her battles." \n"makes moves." \n"makes popcorn." \n"makes beats." \n"gets on the plane." \n"gets in the car." \n"gets it for free." \n"gets off." \n"gets embarrassed." \n"gets up to close the window." \n"hustles."\n"does the math." \n"collects interest." \n"knows the ropes." \n"forgets." \n"tries to make it up to you."\n"writes you a song."\n"writes everything down." \n"wants you to forgive her."\n"wants another shot."\n"wants a snack."\n"wants for nothing."\n"wants to see a movie."\n"wants to sit still."\n"wants to fuck and eat fruit." \n"examines her breasts." \n"examines her breasts in the shower." \n"examines her breasts in the shower for lumps." \n"smokes too much." \n"survives." \n"takes chances." \n"takes it easy." \n"takes the job." \n"takes up space." \n"takes up a lot of space." \n"takes turns." \n"gives two shits." \n"gives a rat's ass." \n"gives back." \n"gives back rubs." \n"rubs the wrong way." \n"rubs the wrong way sometimes." \n"apologizes." \n"counts to 10." \n"counts to 10 to calm down." \n"excuses herself." \n"makes excuses." \n"tries gynamstics as a kid, is too scared to do a cartwheel, and quits." \n"takes ballet for a little bit, you know, as a kid, and really enjoys it, and, actually, can't even remember why she quit (but it was probably a self-esteem thing)." \n"does other dance stuff, too, like jazz, tap, hip-hop, everything, and quits that too, but at an older age, around thirteen, and remembers very clearly that it was a self-esteem thing." \n"sings in chorus pretty seriously, even makes 2nd alto in the county chorus in middle school, goes to Erie, pennsylvania to perform, joins another local chorus that's separate from school, goes to evening practices twice a week, eventually decides that she doesn't like wearing blouses and skirts, and quits."\n"gets cast as the understudy for the lead in the musical, feels strongly that the decision was motivated by racial prejudice, and quits."\n"starts to cut into her skin, also as a kid, after seeing it in a movie, keeps at it for a while, gets scars, gets hooked, likes it a lot, feels in control, makes her own self feel better, ritualizes, gets caught, gets better at it, still does it in college, starts feeling helpless instead of empowered, tries to stop but can't succeed, feels too old to have this problem, works very hard to quit."\n"starts flossing, does a great job keeping at it, even does it every night for three whole months (plenty long, they say, to form a habit) and, one day, just up and quits." \n"quits gymnastics." \n"quits ballet." \n"quits other dance stuff, too." \n"quits chorus." \n"quits the musical." \n"quits the cutting bullshit."\n"quits flossing."\n"quits everything." \n"stays quit."\n"stays in school."\n"stays high."\n"stays on the phone."\n"stays in her place."\n"stays at her place."\n"stays the night at her place."\n"still smells her."\n"works hard." \n"works hard to put it off." \n"saves it for later." \n"saves money."\n"owes money." \n"speaks up." \n"goes away." \n"comes back."\n"still remembers." \n"still remembers your name." \n"remembers your name the first time you tell her." \n"remembers your name after years and years." \n"starts over." \n"tells the truth, now." end>> \n\n\n\n\n\n@@position:fixed;top:80%;left:80%;[[< go home.|HOME]]@@
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Next, click your preferred pronoun \nand do a hundred things.\n\n>[[neutral|THEY]]\n>[[he|HE]]\n>[[she|SHE]]\n\n@@position:fixed;top:80%;left:80%;[[< go home.|HOME]]@@
version.extensions.ifMacros={major:2,minor:0,revision:0};macros["if"]={handler:function(place,macroName,params,parser){\nvar conditions=[],clauses=[],srcOffset=parser.source.indexOf(">>",parser.matchStart)+2,src=parser.source.slice(srcOffset),endPos=-1,currentCond=parser.fullArgs(),currentClause="",t=0,nesting=0;\nfor(var i=0;i<src.length;i++){if(src.substr(i,9)=="<<endif>>"){nesting--;if(nesting<0){endPos=srcOffset+i+9;\nconditions.push(currentCond);clauses.push(currentClause);break;}}if((src.substr(i,6)=="<<else")&&nesting==0){conditions.push(currentCond);\nclauses.push(currentClause);currentClause="";t=src.indexOf(">>",i+6);if(src.substr(i+6,4)==" if "){currentCond=Wikifier.parse(src.slice(i+10,t));\n}else{currentCond="true";}i=t+2;}if(src.substr(i,5)=="<<if "){nesting++;}currentClause+=src.charAt(i);\n}try{if(endPos!=-1){parser.nextMatch=endPos;for(i=0;i<clauses.length;i++){if(eval(conditions.shift())){new Wikifier(place,clauses[i ].trim());\nbreak;}}}else{throwError(place,"can't find matching endif");}}catch(e){throwError(place,"bad condition: "+e.message);\n}}};
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[[What else is there to do?|WHAT ELSE]]
<<randomp \n1 "find the inner circle."1 "make a new friend."1 "have allergies."1 "do whatever you want."1 "don't do anything."1 "just have a boring old salad."1 "make dinner."1 "dig your way in."1 "drink a beer."1 "buy some pot."1 "experiment."1 "say you will."1 "say you will, and then don't."1 "get the fuck out of dodge."1 "make up an excuse."1 "find a reason to go there."1 "ask for their number."1 "go to bed early."1 "choose a new dream."1 "have sex with someone smarter than you."1 "stay in bed."1 "sweat."1 "make a list of the people you know."1 "don't you have any ideas?"1 "see what looks good."1 "try waxing."1 "stop spending money. it's always a good idea to save more money."1 "eat for free."1 "stay in your lane."1 "know your role."1 "call (610) 568-8186 and tell Jeana to get up from the computer. Say, 'rest your eyes for a little bit' or 'walk around and stretch your legs.'"1 "call Nora at (415) 385-2490 and ask her what she's grateful for."1 "call my dad for honest, unbiased advice: (484) 955-6447. His name is DeWitt. Just be yourself."1 "wait for the water to get warm."1 "wait for the rain to ease up."1 "shower in the dark."1 "count your friends."1 "wash your windows."1 "turn off the coffee pot."1 "sell your shit and move."1 "get wet."1 "check the locks."1 "see if it works."1 "take the dog out for a walk. go on, clear your head."1 "go and lie down."1 "sleep on it."1 "just wait until morning."1 "make it through the night."1 "fix yourself a sandwich."1 "start an argument."1 "wait and see how it pans out. there's no sense in speculating. it's out of your control."1 "change your underwear."1 "call Patricia at (805) 588-8760 and ask what her favorite breakfast is right now. Get the recipe."1 "wait a day or two, and then make your move."1 "come back for more. leave with less than you came with."1 "get more than you bargained for."1 "choose a new route."1 "sell your shit and move."1 "stay where you are."1 "look out the window for a while."1 "take a quick break. you'll be glad you did."1 "parse out the sentence."1 "ask."1 "look in the last place you left it."1 "donate your blood if it's clean."1 "account for everything."1 "start eating meat again. just be responsible about it, you know, when you can."1 "write a letter."1 "write a letter to the company."1 "get it off your chest."1 "do something nice for a child."1 "settle the score."1 "mind your own business."1 "change your underwear."1 "change your tune."1 "call Chisa and make her a promise: (707) 499-4107."1 "donate a book to the library."1 "blame your parents."1 "surrender."1 "win."1 "do it all."1 "take your time."1 "grab it by the balls."1 "eat some vegetables."1 "let it work it's magic."1 "okay, now start from the beginning."1 "turn on the news."1 "make sure it's microwave safe."1 "make your own luck."1 "just say 'fuck it,' bro."1 "slow down, man."1 "search."1 "be careful."1 "let me run some ideas by you."1 "dominate."1 "submit."1 "split it three ways."1 "ask around."1 "wring their fucking necks."1 "practice self-love.">> \n\n\n\n\n@@position:fixed;top:35%;left:10%;[[What else?|WHAT ELSE]]@@ \n\n@@position:fixed;top:80%;left:80%;[[< go home.|HOME]]@@
First, type a name.\n \n<<textinput $playerName>> \n\n\n\n\n[[NEXT]]\n \n\n\n@@position:fixed;top:80%;left:80%;[[< go home.|HOME]]@@
<<print $playerName>> [[DOES A HUNDRED THINGS.|SHE DOES]] \n\n@@position:fixed;top:80%;left:80%;[[< go home.|HOME]]@@
String.prototype.unDash = function()\n{\n var s = this.split("-");\n if(s.length > 1)\n for(var t=1; t < s.length; t++)\n s[t] = s[t].substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + s[t].substr(1);\n return s.join("");\n};
<<print $playerName>> <<cyclinglink \n"clicks." \n"obeys." \n"knows this game already."\n"knows a little bit of Spanish."\n"knows it by heart."\n"knows you didn't mean it."\n"knows you didn't mean it and totally forgives you." \n"sees themselves five years from now."\n"calls it like they see it." \n"finds the inner circle."\n"makes a new friend."\n"points the finger."\n"puts on some lotion."\n"tells someone."\n"finally tells someone about it."\n"fights back."\n"puts on some lotion."\n"has sex."\n"has allergies."\n"blames the president."\n\n"does whatever they want."\n"feeds the neighborhood."\n"keeps making the same mistakes."\n"keeps making the same mistakes over and over again."\n"keeps hope alive."\n"keeps secrets."\n"knows a shortcut."\n"knows me like a brother."\n"just loves to dance."\n"just loves to play."\n"just loves to flip the bird."\n"loves you so much it hurts."\n"eats the last piece."\n"goes to the store for toilet paper, ends up buying a lot of other shit, too, gets to the register, and realizes they left their wallet at home."\n"gets their card declined."\n"waits for him to get ready."\n"waits in the car."\n"cries in the car."\n"cries at the end."\n"cries every time."\n\n"watches it once."\n"watches my back."\n"scratches my back."\n"scratches the surface."\n"gets the joke."\n"solves the puzzle."\n"shies away."\n"shies away from strangers."\n"hates all their friends."\n"keeps good company."\n"minds their ps and qs."\n"carries that weight."\n"carries that weight a long time."\n"hurts like a bitch."\n"hurts like a motherfucker."\n"hurts the people closest to them."\n"cleans the whole house."\n"cleans the whole house and still feels anxious."\n"cleans the whole house, still feels anxious, and calls home."\n"minds their own business."\n\n"remembers to turn off the coffee pot?"\n"plays the race card."\n"plays the gay card."\n"plays the privilege card."\n"plays their cards right."\n"plays piano."\n"sleeps on your couch."\n"sleeps on your couch (just for the night.)"\n"eats."\n"eats all your food."\n"kisses sweetly."\n"shakes."\n"shakes on it."\n"thinks that's a stupid reason to give up on all of this."\n"wakes up."\n"wakes and bakes."\n"wakey-wakeys."\n"works around your schedule."\n"checks their phone."\n\n"grabs it by the balls."\n"has some shortcomings, sure, but is aware of them, and, honestly, thinks that that's what matters most."\n"meets someone they really like."\n"meets someone they really like and blows it."\n"meets someone they really like and lays it all on the line."\n"meets someone they really like and the rest is history."\n"grieves."\n"seethes."\n"takes their time."\n"tries to fit a square peg in a round hole."\n"makes the grade."\n"makes it fit."\n"gets it off their chest."\n"wishes they knew what to say."\n"wants to make it work."\n"puts the baby to sleep."\n"gets wet."\n"gets more than they bargained for."\n\n"chooses a new dream."\n"always finishes my sentences."\n"reaches the end."end>>\n\n\n\n@@position:fixed;top:80%;left:80%;[[< go home.|HOME]]@@
try { macros['randomp'] = { \n\n handler: function(place,macroName,params,parser) {\n var state = 0;\n var passageflag = false;\n var chance = 100;\n var r = Math.random() * 100;\n \n for(var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {\n switch(state) {\n case 0:\n if(params[i] == 'passage') {\n passageflag = true;\n state = 1;\n break;\n }\n //No break !!! fall through if keyword 'passage' is not used\n \n case 1:\n chance -= params[i];\n state = 2;\n break;\n \n case 2:\n if(r >= chance) {\n if(passageflag) macros.display.handler(place,macroName,[ params[i] ]); \n else new Wikifier(place, params[i]);\n return;\n }\n state = 0;\n break;\n }\n }\n },\n\n init: function() { }\n \n};} catch(e) { \n throwError(place,"Macro Randomp Error: "+e.message); \n}
JEANA POINDEXTER [[DOES A HUNDRED THINGS.|JEANA DOES]]\n\n@@position:fixed;top:50%;text-transform:lowercase;jeana.poindexter@gmail.com\n(610) 568-8186@@\n\n\n\n\n@@position:fixed;top:80%;left:80%;[[< go home.|HOME]]@@